The Farmers Choir celebrated its 10th anniversary this year with a concert in Paisley Town Hall that coincided a decade down the line since its first performance at Glasgow’s leading music venue, The Hydro, as part of the celebrations for the 75th anniversary of the Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs.

Ten years on, this band of brothers and sisters have maintained their enthusiasm, and the standard remains of the highest quality. And, the choir has also raised the not inconsiderable sum of £124,000 for various charities during its time.

Many family members continue to support the choir and none more so than its musical director, Kate Picken.

The Scottish Farmer: The Farmers ChoirThe Farmers Choir

She told The Scottish Farmer: “When asked if I would lead and run a choir for past and present young farmers to take part in SAYFC 75th Anniversary Concert in 2013, I asked my husband, Dick and daughter, Jennifer, if they would be keen to take part which they were very happy to do so and have continued with the choir. They are both very supportive.

"A few days after I had been asked to run the choirs, Jimmy Dunlop popped in to ask Dick about borrowing a bale trailer - he always casts this up to me - 'I just came to ask about a bale trailer and you signed me up for the choir!’"

“We all thought that this would be a one-off concert. Rehearsals started on the September 8 of that year and I hoped that 12 weeks would be enough time to be ready for our performance in the Hydro Arena, in Glasgow, and here we are 10 years later!

"I really enjoy teaching and helping people to enjoy music - singing is so good for emotional health and a lot of fun. As well as the singing everyone loves catching up with choir friends on Sundays. The success of the choir is down to everyone’s commitment to travel on Sundays for rehearsals and keen to perform in concerts.

The Scottish Farmer: The group was set up by Kate PickenThe group was set up by Kate Picken

“I have a lot of support from Janet Storry and Annette Henderson, who help with the running of the choir. I could not do this without them and I am so lucky that we have Robert Menzies to accompany the choir. He is such a talented musician.

“We work hard in rehearsal and I think the choir is something that is a ‘me’ time for members. When life can be so busy - it is a time when it is just about the singing.

The joy of singing together is something you can’t really measure. Just delighted that everyone enjoys it.

“We are amazed at how much money we have raised for charitable causes over the last 10 years and we are all looking forward to our next concert which takes place on Sunday, February 25 in Perth Concert Hall with compere Jim Smith. All proceeds are going to two charities: RSABI and Scottish Air Ambulance Services.”

One thing that comes across when speaking to the many choir members – there are at least 100 active members – is an enduring feeling that the camaraderie that they all feel has been such a help in maintaining good mental health, through their participation in a project which remains as an inspiration to those in the farming community.