A home-bred Limousin cross heifer calf from Newton of Logierait, Pitlochry, secured the lead price of £5200 at the Thainstone Spectacular show and sale of calves for further showing purposes.

The sale, staged at Aberdeen and Northern Marts' Thainstone Centre, returned to its usual format, with the 31 calves forward selling to average £1800, with the 23 heifers cashing in at 404.7p per kg or £1917.39 and eight stots at 314.8p or £1461.25.

Sale leader was a black 440kg Limousin cross British Blue heifer from regular top consignors, John and Craig Robertson. Their 13-month-old heifer is by Glenrock Inferno, and sold to Lee Hopwood, Duckingfield, Manchester.

Second top price was £4000 paid for the reserve heifer champion from Andrew Anderson of Smallburn Farms, Duffus, which weighed in at 512kg and sold to Jack Hendry, Heads of Auchinderran, Keith. His purchase, a 16-month-old Limousin cross is by Elite Lacette.

For full report and pictures see next week's Scottish Farmer