Averages: 32 gimmers, £771 (-£347); 10 ewe lambs, £ 393 (nc)

It was a slow sale for Solway and Tyne Texel Club breeders' at their annual female sale at Borderway, when just 32 of the 46 in-lamb gimmers forward sold and averages were well back on last year.

The top three prices of the day were all consigned by Robert Cockburn from his Knap flock, from Crieff.

First up, selling for 2200gns, was a gimmer by Knock Banker, out of a ewe by Clinterty Yuga Khan, which had also produced a son at 2400gns. She sold in-lamb to the 17,000gns Sportsmans Cannon Ball scanned carrying triplets in an on-line bid from Messrs Fear, of Bristo.

Read more: Midcombe tops Carlisle Solway and Tyne Texel sale at 4200gns

The same buyer took another out of the pen at 1800gns. This time it was Mr Cockburn's reserve champion – as judged by Angus McColm, from Wigtown – a gimmer by Rhaeadr Crusader and out of a ewe by Mullan Amigo, which had bred the 8500gns Knap Don Diablo. She was sold in-lamb to the 24,000gns New View Electrifying.

At 1400gns, an Auldhouse Billy-sired gimmer out of a ewe by Knap Alligator, sold to Esmor Evans, to join his Maerdy flock. She sold in lamb to Sportsmans Cannon.

Robbie Wilson’s Milnbank flock produced its normal quality pen for this sale. His top of 1200gns was for a gimmer by Kingspark Bentley, out of a ewe by Greenstar Alfie and sold in-lamb to the 17,000gns Harestone Eldorado. She was bought by Messrs Sugden, Thornhill, Dumfries, who followed that by also buying another Milnbank gimmer by Knock Yardsman, out of a ewe by Aman Vyrnwy, also in lamb to Eldorado.