Demand for free range eggs has soared by almost 75% over the past 10 years as an increasing number of consumers boycott those which are perceived to be unethically produced.

According to an ethical consumerism report by the Co-op, spending on free range eggs has increased from £419m in 2010 to £1.1bn in 2020. More impressive is the fact that between 2019 and 2020, free range egg sales grew a massive 26% from £873.

The report highlights the wider trend in 'ethical spending' and that the UK ‘green pound’ had reached record levels, breaking through the £100bn mark for the first time, as ethical consumer spending and finance in the UK amounting to £122bn.

Furthermore, it states brand boycotts on ethical grounds is up 18% on the year to £4bn.

“Our Ethical Consumerism Report is a barometer on consumer behaviour and shoppers are turning up the heat to boycott businesses which fail to act on ethical or social concerns.

"The report is a warning to brands that they must do business a better way for workers, communities and the planet but it offers clear evidence to policy makers that they can positively influence change,” said Steve Murrells, Co-op Group CEO.

“I had the privilege of attending COP-26 and whilst we can all agree the summit did deliver some progress, the hard yards begin now.

Read more: Peta: Free-range egg row ruffles feather

"Every business will have a role to play and we’re clear that a key part of our role is to help educate on how customers can make a difference by changing how they shop," he said.

The authors said that concerns over fairtrade, animal welfare and sustainable food sourcing now accounted for nearly £9bn.

Independent certification continued to be important in helping consumers make better choices, they said. The Fairtrade, RSPCA Freedom Assured and Rainforest Alliance brands all rose in value. Free range egg sales were also bolstered by the increase in market volume.

In the UK, all major retailers have committed to abandoning eggs from cages by 2025.

UK egg industry figures for 2020 show that the UK produced 11.2bn eggs in all of which 57% were free range, 40% enriched cage and 2% barn.