Are you the storyteller of your community? Do you have a captivating local tale, or a picturesque moment captured in a photograph that deserves to be shared? Look no further! The Scottish Farmer invites you to be a part of our vibrant community by sending us your news.

Share Your Stories

Every community has its unique charm, and we believe in giving voice to the local narratives that make it special. Whether it is an inspiring success story, a heartwarming event, or an anecdote that brings a smile, your stories matter. The Scottish Farmer is your platform to connect with fellow community members, sharing experiences that resonate with the heartbeat of Scotland's rural life.

Send Us Your Pictures

A picture is worth a thousand words, and we are eager to see the world through your lens. Send us your striking images that capture the essence of your community—breathtaking landscapes, community gatherings, or even that moment when the sun sets over the fields. Your photographs will not only be cherished but showcased for all to admire.

READ MORE | Unique wedding photos for Abby and James with beloved JCB

The Scottish Farmer: Abby Galling submitted a story about her wedding day to The Scottish FarmerAbby Galling submitted a story about her wedding day to The Scottish Farmer (Image: Abby Galling)

We Welcome All Contributions

Whether you are a seasoned writer, an amateur photographer, or someone with a passion for storytelling, we welcome contributions from all walks of life. The diversity of our community is reflected in the stories we share, and your unique perspective adds to the richness of The Scottish Farmer.

How to Submit

Submitting your content is easy! Click here and look for the submission section. There, you can upload your stories and images, making sure to provide any necessary context or details. Our editorial team will review your submissions promptly, and the best ones will be featured in The Scottish Farmer.

Your community deserves to be heard, and The Scottish Farmer is here to amplify your voice. Join us in celebrating the richness of rural life, one story at a time. Together, let us create a tapestry of local tales that highlight the beauty and resilience of our Scottish communities. Send us your news today and be a part of something extraordinary!

Content Moderation for Quality Assurance

To maintain the integrity and authenticity of our platform, all content is moderated before publication. We believe in providing a safe and respectful space for our contributors and readers alike. Rest assured, your stories and images will be managed with care and published with the utmost professionalism.

Check contributor terms and conditions for more info.

Permission Matters

We respect intellectual property rights, so please ensure you have the necessary permissions to use and submit any content. This ensures that everyone involved, from storytellers to photographers, gets the credit they deserve.