One of Scotland's best known Blackface sheep breeders has been awarded the prestigious Connachan Salver, at the breed's AGM in Stirling on Tuesday.

Alastair MacArthur, Nunnerie, received the coveted award for his contribution to the breed and his work on ovine pulmonary adenomatosis (OPA) or jaagsiekte, which has seen increased numbers of breeders scanning for the disease.

Mr MacArthur, who is the third generation of the family to farm at Nunnerie which takes in 3750acres rising to 2000ft above sea level, breeds Blackface sheep, Bluefaced Leicesters, Mules, Texels and Luings.

He has bred numerous high five-figure priced rams and three at six figures – a shearling and a lamb at £100,000 with the dearest at £125,000 being a tup lamb.

The association also appointed Alan McClymont, Kirkstead, as junior vice-president.

Accounts for the end of the year revealed a surplus of £9448 for the association and £5,731 for the branches. The total surplus was £15,179 compared to a deficit of £20,021 the previous year.

Overall association reserves total £373,617 of which £45,935 belongs to the branches.