Farming groups are anticipating tomorrow's Farm to Fork Summit at Number 10 as confidence among farmers sits at an all-time low.

The second ever Farm to Fork summit will take place on Tuesday, May 14, following the success of last year's event.

The summit will likely see new action on protecting farmers and boosting the industry following an extremely wet few months.

READ MORE | Date set for this year's Farm to Fork Summit

It also comes as levels of confidence among farmers remains at rock bottom, with growing fears this could lead to a decrease in food production.

The NFU's annual survey showed that short and mid-term confidence is at its lowest since records began in 2010.

Because of this lack of confidence, production intentions have also plummeted, with all farming sectors expecting to decrease production over the next year.

The Tenant Farmers' Association (TFA), which is attending tomorrow's summit, said it had been 'such a difficult year' for many farmers.

TFA national chair, Robert Martin, said: “It follows the exceptionally wet winter and spring, volatility on international markets and the challenges of pressures within supply chains.

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"There is much that the government can do for the farming industry as a whole and for tenant farmers.

"Specifically, to ensure that the resilience of our agricultural sector meets the dual goals of food and environmental security for our country.”

Last year, the government used the first ever Farm to Fork Summit to announce a pledge to back farmers' interests in future trade deals, as well as boost UK fruit and vegetable production.