Fife-based Benny Duncan, Balmalcolm, had the task of judging the Co Londonderry Clydesdale Foal Show at Ballymena Livestock Market and found his champion in the April-born senior filly, Macfin Highland Queen.

This previously unshown filly from the Hanna family, Ballymoney, is by Muirton Sabre and bred from Macfin Crystal Gail. She is a full sister to this year’s Royal Highland Show champion and Cawdor Cup winner, Macfin Delta Dawn.

Last year’s supreme overall winner and runner up from 2021, Croaghmore Maureen from Sandra Henderson, Ballycastle, landed the reserve overall. A full sister to the Cawdor cup winning Muirton Spirit, she is also by Muirton Sabre and bred from Croaghmore Roxy.

No stranger to the show ring, Maureen won three championships and four reserve titles last year. She was also reserve at Balmoral in May. Reserve foal champion and best opposite sex to the supreme was the junior colt foal Agivey Trademark from David Patterson, Garvagh. He is by Roeshall Apollo with his dam being Agivey Sophie.

Reserve senior champion was the yearling filly Lagavar Primrose from the McKay family, Dervock. Bred by Alec Brown, she is by Carnaff Trueform with her dam being Lagavar Nellie.

The young handlers class was won by Finn Todd, Downhill, with Eden Milligan taking second and Patrick O’Boyle, Rosegift, who also qualifies for the Royal Highland Show in June 2024, taking third.

Leading Awards

Mare – 1, Taggart family’s Ballaney Lady Clover; 2, David Patterson’s, Agivey First Hope.

Two-year-old colt or gelding – 1, V and R Scott’s, Glebeview Paddy.

Two-year-old filly – 1, Sandra Henderson’s Croaghmore Maureen

Yearling colt/gelding – 1, Declan Ferris’ Glebeview Whisper

Yearling filly – 1, Messrs McKay’s Lagavar Primrose.

Senior colt foal – 1, Matthew Patton’s Aird Stevie; 2, D and R Ryan’s Hillview Royal Charlie Boy; 3, Phillip McCully’s Derryhale Rock Ambition.

Senior filly foal – 1, Messrs Hanna’s Macfin Highland Queen; 2, G and L Tanner’s Ballinrees Peggy; 3, Messrs McKay’s Carnaff Riley.

Junior colt foal – 1, David Patterson’s Agivey Trademark; 2, S and V Parke’s Dairylough Lord Covey; 3, V and R Scott’s Glebeview King Charles.

Junior filly foal – Jill McAllister’s Artnagullion Material Girl; 2, Tommy Gregg’s Ballinrees Jane; 3, John Drummond’s Bratlach Barbara.